
1.     Name
1.1 The organisation shall be known as Sunrise Christian School.

2.     Purpose

2.1. The organisation’s purpose is to advance education with Christian principles by the establishment and maintenance of non-denominational Christian schools thereby assisting parents in carrying out their Biblical responsibility to educate their children in a Christ centred manner according to God’s Word.

3.     Statement of faith

3.1                        . We believe and accept the revelation of the triune God given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, variously expressed in the Reformed Confessions, namely the Westminster Confession (1646), Baptist Confession (1689), 39 Articles of Faith, Three Forms of Unity and Savoy Declaration. We therefore believe in:

·        The divine inspiration of Holy Scripture and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

·        The sovereignty and grace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgement.

·        The sinfulness and guilt of man, making him subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.

·        The substitutionary sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God as the sole and all-sufficient ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin, and from God’s wrath and condemnation.

·        The justification of the sinner solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ crucified and risen from the dead.

·        The regenerating, illuminating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit.

·        The abiding authority of the moral law of God.

·        The personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and in glory to judge the world.

·        The bodily resurrection of all mankind, the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to eternal damnation.

4.     Education Principles

4.1. The organisation seeks to ensure that children are taught in an environment where the word of God rules and the Lordship of Jesus Christ is recognised in the whole ethos, curriculum and discipline of the School. The curriculum is to embrace the cultural mandate expressing a Christian world and life view, “bringing every thought captive to Christ.” This will enable the children to develop their individual God-given gifts for a life of service to God and thereby to the world.

5.     Membership

5.1                        Full Membership is open to any parent or carer/guardian (including foster parents, grandparents or other responsible family members who are caring for the child) who is sending their child/foster child to the School full or part-time and who can satisfy the Board of Directors as to his/her Christian commitment. The Full Membership is also open to the teachers of the school. Those wishing to apply for full membership do so by completing the “Application for Full Membership” form as in Appendix A.

5.2                         Associate Membership is open to those who are not eligible for Full Membership but nevertheless are committed to Christian education, as stated in item 2. (Purpose) and 4. (Education Principles) of this Constitution. Those wishing to apply for Associate Membership do so by completing the “Application for Associate Membership” form as in Appendix B.

5.3                        Representative Membership is open to individuals who are chosen by their denomination to represent their denomination at the organisation’s meetings. Those wishing to apply for Representative Membership do so by completing the “Application for Representative Membership” form as in Appendix C.

5.4                         Membership is at the discretion of the School Board.

5.5                         Those being admitted to membership agree to abide by the rules of the organisation as set down in this Constitution.

5.6                        Membership shall pay the annual membership fee, as determined by the School Board.

5.7                         Every Full Member and Representative Member shall be entitled to one vote at general meetings of the organisation.

5.8                         Every Associate Member shall be entitled to participate in the general meetings of the organisation but shall not be able to vote at the meetings.

6.     General Meetings

6.1. The organisation shall hold an Annual General Meeting and such other meetings as maybe called. The time, place and agenda of such meetings shall be determined by the TP Council, and communicated to the members not less than six weeks before the date of the meeting.
6.2. Each Full Member and Representative Member shall be entitled to table items for the agenda. Items for inclusion in the agenda must be tabled one month before the meetings, and the agenda distributed not less than two weeks before the meetings. Items may, in addition, be raised under A.O.C.B. but will not be discussed or voted on at that meeting, except at the discretion of the chairman. Any proposals regarding the running of the School should not be inconsistent with the Word of God.
6.3. Special meetings may be called at any time at the discretion of the TP Council, School Board or by the members provided such a meeting is requested in writing by at least 25% of the Full Members. Such a request must state the reason for calling the meeting, and notice of a special meeting must also include a statement of these reasons. 55% of the full membership shall constitute a quorum at each special meeting. Voting shall be by simple majority (i.e. one half of the votes plus one) orally or by ballot as decided at the meeting.

7.     Leadership

7.1. The organisation shall have two tier leadership structure, consisting of Teachers’ and Parents’ Council (TP Council) and the School Board.
7.2. The School Board shall govern the organisation and shall bear the collective and individual responsibility for the purposes of the title to heritable property and administration of all funds. The School Board will carry the Spiritual responsibility for the organisation and ensure the organisation will achieve its aims and glorify God in all its activities.
7.3. The Teachers’ and Parents’ Council shall ensure smooth running of the School in regards to school policies, curriculum and term by term decisions, unburdening the School Board of administrative and preparatory work. TP Council will also act as the first port of call for any issues raised during term time regarding the School. TP Council will call the General Meeting and prepare agendas for the meetings. 
7.4. The final decision on matters concerning school policies, curriculum etc lies within the School Board.

8.     The School Board

8.1. The members of the School Board shall be called Directors of the Board. The Directors of the Board may consist of Full Members, Associate Members and Representative Members and they are to be committed Christians and members of a Church. They have to sign the Statement of Faith of the School (Appendix D) before being accepted as members of the School Board.
8.2. The School Board shall consist of not less than 5 and not more than 12 members, serving for a period of not more than 3 years without re-election.  There shall be no restriction on members being re-elected.
8.3. The School Board shall consist of two parent/carer members (Full Members), teachers of the school (if nominated and voted in), Representative Members (maximum two of any one denomination) and any Associate Members who are deemed of having experience and skills necessary for the School Board. Spouses may not sit as Directors on the School Board at the same time. Associate Members sitting at the School Board are entitled to vote in the meetings.
8.4. As much as possible, it should be ensured that at least one Representative Member of a denomination will be sitting at the School Board. However, if voting members have a concern regarding suitability of a Representative Member sent by their denomination to represent them, TP Council will write to the denomination detailing their concerns and asking for a replacement Representative to be sent to the meetings.
8.5. The initial School Board shall be elected by Full Members and Representative Members and thereafter by a 75% majority vote of the TP Council as and when the need arises. Directors may be removed from their position through a valid and justifiable 75% majority vote by both the TP Council and the School Board.
8.6. Meetings of the School Board require a quorum of 55% of membership. The School Board shall elect from among its members or from among Full Members or Associate Members of the School officers such as (but not limited to)  Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. All meetings of the School Board shall be opened and closed with prayer.
8.7. The School Board will ensure the School is managed and organised in accordance of school policies.
8.8. All members shall have access to all School Board minutes on request.
8.9. Directors of the School wishing to resign must tender their resignation in writing to the Secretary, who will convene a TP Council meeting to elect a replacement, if necessary. Also, removed Directors will be replaced through a TP Council meeting called by the Secretary, if necessary.
8.10 The School Board shall be required to have a regular meeting at least once a school term.

9.     The Teachers’ and Parents’ Council

9.1. The TP Council shall consist of Full Members of the school who have been voted in at a General Meeting by majority vote. The first TP Council shall be called by the core group members/founders of the School until such time as the School becomes registered as an institution offering full time education to children.
9.2. The TP Council shall consist of no less than 3 and no more than 10 Full Members. The TP Council may invite individuals to attend its meetings in order to seek expertise and advice.
9.3. All members of the TP Council are to be committed Christians and members of a Church. They have to sign the Statement of Faith of the School (Appendix D) before being accepted as members of the TP Council.
9.4. Members of the TP Council will serve 1 year at the time.  There shall be no restrictions of members being re-elected.
9.5. All Directors of the School shall be supplied with copies of the minutes of the TP Council Meetings.
9.6. A member of the TP Council wishing to resign must tender their resignation in writing to the Secretary, however there will be no election for replacement until the next General Meeting if three or more TP Council members remain in TP Council. If, however, only two TP Council members remain after resignation, the Secretary will call for General Meeting to elect a replacement.

10.                         Finance

10.1. The School Board shall endeavour to obtain the necessary funds for operation, maintain accurate records and determine how the funds shall be distributed. Funds may be raised by the payment of tuition fees, from donations, from subscriptions and from such other means as are consistent with the Constitution.
10.2. The School Board will aim to raise sufficient funds through donations and sponsorships in order that assisted places at the School could be offered to families with recognised difficult circumstances.
10.3. The School Board shall have power to borrow funds as required. Any decision to borrow funds must be approved by a majority decision of the members of the School Board.
10.4. Funds raised shall be used to further the aims of the School. No member (apart from hired staff) is entitled to receive any payment out of the School’s property or finance, other than actual expenses.

11.                         Property

11.1                   The organisation shall have power:

·        to purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire any heritable or movable property for occupation or use by the school in accordance with its stated purpose.

·        to sell, feu, let on lease or tenancy, or otherwise dispose of or deal with buildings or land or any interest therein.

·        to erect, alter, maintain or repair and generally promote the preservation of any buildings or land vested in the association

 11.2.  Any purchase, selling or erection of property must be agreed by the TP Council, the School Board and AGM with 75% majority vote, at two successive meetings with the minimum of 10 days interval.

12.                         Amendment

12.1. No amendments shall be made which would have the effect of causing the organisation to cease being a recognised body.
12.2. No amendments shall be made regarding the purpose (section 2), Statement of Faith (section 3), educational principles (section 4) and amendments (section 12).
12.3. Any change to this Constitution shall only be made at a properly convened General Meeting with a 75% majority vote.

13.                         Dissolution

13.1. In the case of dissolution, the property and monies of the organisation shall, after realisation and settlement of debts be donated to an organisation involved in the promotion of Christian education, which is itself a charity for tax purposes. The choice of organisation shall be at the discretion of the School Board.
13.2. Dissolution shall only take place where a 75% majority of the voting members are in favour of it.


Application for Full Membership

I hereby declare that I intend to send my child/foster child (or children) to the Sunrise Christian School full or part-time.
I am a committed Christian and I wish to give of my time/effort/resources to further the cause of Christian Education through the School, as I am able.
I have read and understood the Constitution of the School and will abide by its rules and agree with its aims.

I have paid £10 Annual Membership Fee on __________________.

Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________  Date: __________________


Application for Associate Membership

I hereby declare that I fully support the aims of the Glasgow Christian School and wish to give of my time/effort/resources to further the cause of Christian Education through the School, as I am able.
I have read and understood the Constitution of the School and will abide by its rules and agree with its aims.
I have paid £10 Annual Membership Fee on __________________.

Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________  Date: __________________


Application for Representative Membership

I hereby declare that I have been chosen by my denomination to represent our denomination in the School Meetings and hence am eligible for Representative Membership of the School.
I have read and understood the Constitution of the School and will abide by its rules and agree with its aims.
I have presented an endorsement of my status as the representative of my denomination to the organisation, in the form of _________________________.

I have paid £10 Annual Membership Fee on __________________.

Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________

Name of Denomination: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________  Date: __________________


Statement of Faith
(This is to be signed by all members wishing to serve in the Leadership of the School, either in the School Board or in the Teachers’ and Parents’ Council)

I hereby declare that I agree with the aims of the School and am able to sign its Statement of Faith with good conscience.
I have read and understood the Constitution of the School and I know of no reason why I shouldn’t be serving in the School Board/TP Council for the allotted time.

Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________

Name of Denomination: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________  Date: __________________

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