
The Vision for Glasgow Christian School

Glasgow Christian School aims to get back to the Christian roots of education in Scotland and to reclaim the Godly heritage we have for the current generation. 

The School is to be non-denominational, open to children of all backgrounds and faiths, of both genders.

The vision of the School is to offer excellent Christian education, preparing children for life in the 21st century and helping them to recognise and grow in their God-given purpose. 
The School affirms positively that the Truth of the Bible is the necessary foundation and inspiration for children to develop a healthy and effective life.

The leaders and teachers of the school are to have a strong personal faith in Christ Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. They are to be sincere and whole hearted in their faith, showing evidence of their faith in their life by being good examples in Christian faith and living. They are to be members of a church and able to sign one of the approved Confessions of Faith* with good conscience.

The Curriculum of the school is to be Christian, conforming to the faith as set out in the agreed confessions. It is to be a comprehensive Curriculum, embracing the major academic and creative subjects as well as physical education and implementing the cultural mandate expressing a Christian world and life view, “bringing every thought captive to Christ.” 

The parents and members of the School are expected to contribute towards the financial needs of the School but the School will also seek outside sponsors in order to offer assisted places to those families who cannot afford the school fees.

The vision of the School is to first offer full time Primary Education and later on, full time Secondary Education also. Further aim of the School is to support home schooling parents in their home schooling efforts.

*These will be the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Baptist Confession of Faith (1689), 39 Articles of Faith, the Dutch Confession (Three Forms of Unity) and Savoy Declaration.

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