First Public Meeting

Public Meeting
23rd February 2013
Free Church (Continuing), Wellshot Road, Shettleston

10:30               Devotions / Prayer
                        Rev David Fraser, FCC Shettleston

10:35               ‘What is a Christian School?’
                        Mr Alan Wilson, Head of Art, Hamilton College

10:55               Our Vision
                        Mrs Mirjam Murphy, Core Group Member

11:10               Our Strategy
                        Mrs Daisy Fraser, Core Group Member

11:30 -12:00    Tea Break

12:00               Questions and Answers

12:20               Closing Prayer

There will be refreshments provided afterwards and an opportunity to meet the Core Group Members.

There is a Resources Stall available during the break with suggested reading on Christian Education and sample curriculum books.


Minutes of the First Public Meeting 23rd February 2013 

Place: Free Church Continuing at Shettleston, 97 Wellshot road, Glasgow
Time: 10.30 pm – 12.45pm
Attendees: Core Group, Rev David Fraser, Alan Wilson, Church Representatives and general public
Chaired by: Matthew Fraser
Minutes by: Mirjam Murphy 

At the door, Norman Fraser gave out sheets including the meeting’s Agenda, Question Sheet, Take Part Sheet and Preliminary Vision. 

Item 1: Devotional and Prayer by Rev David Fraser
Matthew Fraser welcomed everyone and then called on Rev David Fraser to open the meeting with a devotional and a prayer. 

Rev David Fraser spoke from Psalm 78, how in the Psalm there is embedded the System of Education, the Vision for Education and the Curriculum. 

The System includes recognising God’s order, trusting the legacy to rising generations and identifying with God’s people. The Vision encompasses three ideals: Worship, Relationship and Messiah-ship (redemption). Curriculum embraces History (the story of failure), Science (God’s power and wonders) and Art (the Psalm itself is a piece of art). 

Rev David Fraser led the congregation in prayer. 

Item 2: “What is a Christian School?” by Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson, Head of Art in Hamilton College, spoke about the meaning of education: it embraces the whole child, body and soul. He talked about the crisis in our current education and the Government’s answer to the crisis: the new Curriculum of Excellence. He described how the schools were handed over to the Government in 1872, as a result of secularisation winning an upper hand in the society. The purpose of education is to transmit culture. As Christians we should embrace culture since we were made by God to be cultured people. If High-Culture is the best what has been thought and said, then surely it needs to include the Bible. The Bible needs to be the bedrock for all that has been taught and done in education. A Christian School has to have a strong belief on cultural mandate.
Adam’s task included horticulture, zoology, linguistics and logic (categorising animals). 

A Christian school is an extension of the family, teaching the Christian worldview. Secularism tends to separate “religion” into a topic among others. But there are no facts that are not God-created and hence all facts, all knowledge, must acknowledge God. There is no secular/sacred divide in the true Christian world view. 

Christian teachers need to engage and stimulate pupils and be enthusiastic about teaching and their subject. The school is to embody “life in full” since Christ is our life. Learning is to be “concentrated playfulness”. The two major goals are educational growth and moral growth – and above all: “To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” 

Item 3: “Our Vision” by Mirjam Murphy
Mirjam Murphy, one of the core group members and a home schooling mother of four, gave a presentation detailing the vision for the school (as in the document “Preliminary Vision for Glasgow Christian School”, see the presentation for more detail). 

Item 4: “Our Strategy” by Daisy Fraser
Daisy Fraser, a core group member and a mother of two, gave a presentation regarding the way forward, including details about financing and constitution and the time frame (see the presentation for more detail). 

TEA BREAK The chair invited everyone to fill in the Question Sheet and Take Part Sheet during the break and enjoy refreshments for a half an hour. 

Item 5: Q&A Session
The chair invited the three core group mothers (Daisy Fraser, Janneke Fraser and Mirjam Murphy) to the front with Alan Wilson for answering questions that were written on the question sheets during the break. The questions were: 

1. Regarding Government funding and whether the Government can impose the state curriculum on the school. Mirjam answered that as an independent school the school can choose its own curriculum and that the school will not accept Government funding if that means loss of control in key issues (eg curriculum and staff).
2. Regarding how the school will ensure expertise in subjects. Daisy Fraser answered that the school will start on the Primary level where great expertise/subject knowledge is not required. However, if the school would progress to the Secondary level, help is at hand from other Christian schools, if necessary.
3. Regarding if the school would provide afterschool care and pre-school program. Daisy answered that initially, as a home schooling co-op, younger siblings can come along and the group will aim to be as flexible as possible. Mirjam added that the vision is to be a community where everyone will help and be helped, according to resources.
4. Regarding what kind of teacher training would be available in the school. Alan Wilson replied that there is in fact very little Christian education training in the UK although there are books available and the most helpful training for him has been co-work with colleagues. Of course, there are secular training courses etc available but one must be able to sift what to take in and what not.
5. Regarding how the decision making would work when many denominations are involved. Daisy answered that the board would have church representatives from churches that are committed to the school and they then would make decisions on behalf of their church/denomination.
6. Regarding how parents of no-faith can contribute to the school. Mirjam answered that the structure of the school would allow all parents to be members who will able to vote in the AGM. All parents would be invited to be actively involved in the school eg with fundraising and community projects. However, only those able to sign the school’s confessions of faith would be able to serve in the Parents’/teachers’ Council and in the Board.
7. Regarding how the Christian Faith will be protected. Daisy answered that the constitution will be a key factor in protecting the Christian faith in the school and hence the people who are to form the Constituent Board need to have the wisdom to make the constitution such that it will protect the faith and vision of the school.
8. Regarding how the school can avoid closure. Janneke answered drawing from experience that closures are often caused by two key factors: lacking finance and lacking children. The school hopes to find sponsors and attract regular donations from individuals and churches so that firm budget can be formed. Also, the link with other churches/ denomination hopefully ensures the continuity of children. However, we have no other guarantee but the Lord Himself who has called us to this task. Mirjam added that we trust God to answer our prayers but also, will the people in the audience take into heart and ensure that this school will stand and will not close?
9. Regarding how can it be made possible that teachers are not discriminated against in the job interviews. Matthew Fraser clarified with the person posing the question that the question was to do with the equal employment opportunity law and ensured that it is possible for organisations only to hire
Christians (like for the one he works for) and hence it can be assured, under the law, that only Christian teachers are hired in the school. 

Item 6: Nominations for the Constituent Board
The chair invited the public to nominate people to the Constituent Board who would meet from March to May to form the school’s constitution. The following people were nominated, seconded and accepted the nomination: 

* Alan Wilson (he accepted as long as it wouldn’t clash with the interest of the school he teaches in)
* Rev Gavin Beers
* Rev David Fraser
* Ruth Keddie (Teacher of English) 

The following people were nominated and seconded but were absent; they will be contacted by the Core Group regarding their nomination:

* Rev Kenneth Stewart
* Mr Donald MacKay 

Also, Rev Willie MacLeod was nominated but declined and put forward the nomination of Rev Gavin Beers.
Rev Tim Donachie was nominated to be on reserve if necessary. Rev Tim Donachie showed interest but declined due to long travel from Northern Ireland. However, he showed interest to be a member of the Board once the constitution was set up. 

Item 7: Closing Prayer
Rev David Fraser led the congregation in prayer. 

The chair thanked everyone for coming and invited everyone to join for sandwiches and refreshments. He also made the audience aware of the Resources Stall and a free CD on Christian Education (a talk by Rev Gavin Beers) at the stall. He asked the nominees to meet at the front for setting a date for their first meeting in March. 
